About Us

Our Approach to Coffee
It was mid 2012 when co-founders Michael Sanchez & Stephen Mentze began Mast Coffee Co. The dream was to offer an extraordinary customer experience alongside phenomenal coffees, while developing true relationships with purveyors and customers alike.
Fast forward to present day. Through hard work and innumerable blessing, Mast has grown into an award winning coffee provider that reaches customers across the globe.
Four ideas have stayed true and constant through this growth, and allowed us to succeed in this growing and competitive industry.
These are those ideas.

The first thing that drew us, and safe to say you, to specialty coffee was a sense of curiosity. Curiosity as to how coffee could taste so different, so amazing. We were obsessed with the diversity, the complexity, the art, and how it all worked.
We don't have hobbies, we have obsessions.
We developed Mast knowing coffee is a mountain you can never fully climb. With that, we are constantly asking the question, "can we make this better". We've learned that in a quickly evolving industry our curiosity will never be fully satisfied.
So we strive to know more, do better, and reach the next peak.

For the most part, we don't enjoy rules. We rarely follow the status quo, and we sometimes find a little too much joy disrupting the class. But that's what makes this fun. It keeps our minds fresh and allows us to think outside the lines when, too often, people fall within them.
We love to disrupt traditional paradigms.
The longer we work with coffee, the more we realize that the rules are really just guidelines. Guidelines can be bent, broken, and improved upon. So we continue to push the envelope of quality, and innovation.

We like people, and business is way more fun when you get to do it with your buds. Our desire is to develop community. We want to share knowledge, stories, coffee, and experience. We don't believe in industry secrets or proprietary knowledge. We regularly butcher the "rising tides" analogy in an attempt to share how excited we are to watch others succeed. Because truly, if your tides are rising, our boat is going on the water, higher up too...or something like that.

We're doers. Sitting on the sidelines, watching, isn't for us. We love coffee, and we always want to get our hands on it. We want to get behind the bar, on the cupping table, or next to the roaster. We want to taste, smell, and feel. And, most importantly, we want to share that experience with others.

Mast has grown around the idea of the MCCO Family. This all encompassing idea of business as relationship has formed our ideals and helped to shape our decisions.
We take pride in partnering with great organizations, run by great people.
We strive to treat everyone we encounter as family and are devoted to the continued development of the people around us, and this industry that we love so much.
Be Kind. Serve Diligently. Be Excellent.